5 Tips for Being a Successful Single Parent
The 2010 United States census reveals that the number of children living in single-parent households has doubled since 1960. The percentage of two-parent households has also decreased by 1.2 million across all 50 states during the same time period. Each day, a large number of parents in the country fight to retain custody of their children, but that is only half the battle.
Living and coping as a single parent is a reality for many people in the United States, and it is important to have coping strategies in place to deal with the increased pressure if you intend to raise your child alone.
The process of attaining child custody is a complex and laborious one. An experienced Fort Myers custody lawyer from The Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A. can help you with this process. If you need assistance or would like to discuss your options, give us a call today at 866-949-0888. We will arrange a free consultation with a specialist child custody lawyer who will explain what you can expect from the application process.
1. Look After Yourself
Experts at Baby Center say it is important to look after yourself as a single parent. It is very easy to forget about yourself when you are looking after a child, and staying happy and healthy will go a long way to improving the life of your child. Incorporate exercise into your weekly routine, and walk to the store instead of driving. This is a good way to combine practical chores with exercise.
2. Work With the Other Parent
A child custody battle can be long and bruising, but it is important to illicit the help of the child’s other parent whenever possible. The particulars of the arrangement depend largely on the custody ruling. If you have shared parental responsibility, then it is important to take advantage of this.
3. Depend on Others in Your Community
Mayo Clinic suggests that you lean on other people who can assist you. Form a carpool with other parents, call on loved ones and trusted friends for assistance, and join a support group for single parents. You could even look into Single parent Dating and find someone who is in a similar situation as you and knows what it’s like.
4. Set Boundaries
Mayo Clinic says that setting limits is important, too. Explain basic rules to your children and enforce them. Provide consistent discipline, and ensure that other caregivers follow your guidelines. Change limits and boundaries as the child advances; he or she will learn to be responsible, and it will minimize single-parent stress.
5. Arrange Quality Childcare
Quality childcare will alleviate pressure on you to always be present for your child. Evaluate all potential childcare providers carefully. Mayo Clinic warns against being overly reliant on part-time caregivers. An experienced and trained babysitter will be able to enforce discipline and routines and will fulfill some of the tasks the absent parent may otherwise have done. Employing a Maternity Nurse from Eden Private Staff may be particularly helpful, as these people are very highly trained and have the ability to give quality care for new and single mums.
If you are looking for a Fort Myers child custody lawyer, give The Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A. a call at 866-949-0888.