Are You Facing a Child Custody Dispute?
Many unhappy couples choose to stay together for the sake of their children. However, new research suggests that children of divorce can actually fare better than kids whose parents are constantly arguing.
According to the Daily Mail, a 2016 Swedish survey of 150,000 schoolchildren revealed that kids are unlikely to suffer any mental ill-effects from their parents’ divorce, as long as both parents remain a part of their children’s lives after separating.
Unfortunately, developing a parenting plan that works for your entire family is not easy, and if you and your ex are unable to agree on a child custody arrangement, your case will go to trial.
If you are facing a child custody dispute in Florida, turn to the Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A. Mr. Raheb is a child custody attorney in Naples who will compassionately represent your interests and help you avoid mistakes that would compromise your personal or financial well-being. Call 866-949-0888 to schedule a free consultation.
5 Factors That Will Affect Your Child Custody Case
Nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, and a significant percentage of those divorcees have children. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 26 percent of U.S. children aged 21 and younger live with one parent while the other parent lives elsewhere.
If your child custody case goes to trial, the court will attempt to create a time-sharing arrangement that represents your kids’ best interests. Section 61.13 of the 2016 Florida Statutes outlines the factors that judges consider when evaluating custody arrangements, which include:
- Each parent’s willingness to encourage an ongoing relationship between the child and his or her other parent;
- Whether either parent intends to delegate his or her parental responsibilities to a third party;
- Each parent’s willingness to act upon the child’s needs rather than the parent’s personal desires;
- Each parent’s moral fitness; and
- The physical and mental health of each parent.
Your child custody attorney will help you demonstrate your ability and willingness to fulfill these criteria and provide a safe, nurturing environment for your child. If you believe that your ex is an unfit parent due to domestic violence, drug addiction or other issues, your lawyer can help you gather evidence and present this argument to the court.
Michael M. Raheb is a Florida child custody attorney who understands how to find success in court. As your child custody lawyer in Naples, Mr. Raheb will be your on-call legal representation, making himself available to answer your questions and address your concerns.
Mr. Raheb can also help you with matters related to prenuptial agreements, spousal support, child support and asset division. Call 866-949-0888 today to schedule a free initial consultation with a Naples child custody lawyer.