Florida Father Faces Neglect Charges, Loses Custody
A recent case in Fort Myers, Fla. spotlights another serious incident in which fatherly neglect has resulted in a revocation of child custody. In a story reported by WINK news, a father has been arrested, and both parents have lost custody of their child after officials have found them to be unfit parents.
The child, still a young toddler, was found by residents wandering the streets unaccompanied. Officials claim that the young child was found wet from rain and alone, with no parental supervision. It later turned out that the child’s mother had been working, and she had left her boy in the care of his father. Both parents have now lost custody of their child, and the father faces criminal charges of neglect.
In cases such as these, a specialized child custody lawyer can help parents assess their situation and develop a plan to regain custody. Family law is an emotive and complex field, and The Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A. are well equipped to handle even the most sensitive matters. Call us at 866-949-0888 today.
A specialist custody lawyer is able to analyze each situation on its merits, and to assist parents with child custody and visitation rights. A Florida child custody lawyer can explain how the court awards custody and calculates child support, as well as the other factors involved in family law.
Father Accused of Leaving Children Unattended at Florida Hotel
A father has recently been accused of neglecting three children in a Florida hotel room for nearly 24 hours. In a startling case reported by Action News, the children of the man claim that this is not the first time they had been left unattended. The children range in age, with the oldest just 8 years old and the youngest 7 years old, and the father is now facing charges.
The motel staff claims that the man had been living in the motel for more than a year and believed the family to be normal. The staff thought the group was simply saving money in order to purchase an apartment.
The children’s mother will not face charges as she was unaware of the situation; however, the children have subsequently been taken into protective custody by the Florida Department of Children and Families, and are residing in a foster home until the issue can be fully resolved.
It is unclear whether the children’s biological mother will fight for custody of the children, but if she does, a family attorney in Florida could help her develop a convincing case.
If you are located in Fort Myers and want to attain custody of your child, adjust child support payments or take on any other matter concerning family law, contact The Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A. In complex child custody cases, it’s often difficult to understand all the factors the court will consider. Mr. Raheb will integrate these factors into your case and will be readily available to address all questions and concerns. To set up a consultation, call us at 866-949-0888.