How Can You Prepare Your Kids for Divorce? 5 Tips from a Naples Child Custody Lawyer
Deciding to divorce is never easy. It is even worse when children are involved, and as the U.S. National Library of Medicine explains, the disruption is often traumatic for kids. A child custody attorney can handle the legalities of your divorce, but it is crucial that parents take steps to help their young ones make the transition.
If you are considering divorce in Florida, then contact the Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, PA. Mr. Raheb is a child custody lawyer in Naples who can answer your questions related to alimony, asset division, prenuptial agreements and other aspects of family law.
Call 866-949-0888 to schedule a consultation. You can also visit to learn more about the divorce process in Florida.
Read on to learn five tips for preparing your children for divorce:
- Take Responsibility
Many kids believe that they are responsible for the divorce in some way. Sit your children down and discuss the divorce as gently and clearly as possible. Explain how it is not their fault and that they did not do anything wrong.
- Communicate Freely
Create an open communication channel with your children so they can explain their feelings. It is important for them to express their emotions and address their concerns.
This approach will also give you valuable insight into your children’s thoughts. It will give you an idea of what they may want in the divorce, any doubts they have, as well as any specific desires about life after the divorce is finalized.
- Explain the Process
Children always have questions about divorce. They hear details about potential court proceedings, overhear conversations with your child custody attorney, and feel terrified by the thought of “losing” a parent.
Explain the process to your kids. This will help prepare them for it. It is always better to avoid exposing kids to the details of divorce, but it is important for them to know what to expect.
- Do Not Force Them to Choose Sides
Divorce is complicated and causes a multitude of life changes. Children may feel isolated and without choice or control.
It is vital that your children know they still have options. However, parents should never force kids to choose between them or criticize the other parent in front of the children. If your child does make a choice regarding physical custody, it is paramount that you do not make him or her feel bad about it.
- Stick to Your Routine
A stable routine is critical to healthy child development, as Kids Health explains. Without it, a child may feel overwhelmed during the divorce.
Try to keep your child’s routine similar to what it was before the divorce. You can introduce changes, but do so gradually. A stable routine will help your child feel more secure about the divorce.
If you are considering divorce, contact the Law Offices of Michael M. Raheb, PA. Mr. Raheb is a divorce lawyer in Florida who can protect your personal and financial interest. If you would like to schedule a free, no obligation consultation, call 866-949-0888.
If you’re going through the divorce process and are in need of Divorce Lawyers for Divorce Modifications in Huntsville AL, you could reach out for help from New Beginnings Family Law.