Tag Archive for: Naples
Understanding the Differences between Sole and Shared Custody
If you have children and you are planning to divorce your spouse,…
Factors to Consider When a Custodial Parent Wants to Move
When a judge awards custody to a parent, one of the factors that…
3 Factors Florida Courts Consider When Determining the “Best Interests” of a Child
Many divorcing couples come to an amicable agreement regarding…
How Domestic Violence Protection Orders Work in Florida
According to WomensLaw.org, domestic abuse is a common offense…
A Brief Overview of Child Abuse Penalties in Florida
There are several different crimes under the umbrella of “domestic…
What Is First-Degree Arson in the State of Florida?
Arson is a serious offense in all states, and in Florida, these…
Possible Penalties for Kidnapping in Florida
In Florida, kidnapping is the abduction, imprisonment or confinement…
What Is First-Degree Murder in Florida?
The general concept of murder is relatively easy to understand.…
Possible Penalties for Domestic Violence Charges in Florida
Domestic violence is a serious offense in all states, and most…
2 Animal Cruelty Charges in Florida Worth Keeping in Mind
Each state has specific laws related to animal cruelty, and they…